The World's Largest HIV and STis Testing Campaign

In just four editions, the International Testing Week has become the largest global testing campaign, with 73,931 tests conducted in the last edition. These tests cover a wide range of diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, certain cancers like cervical and anal cancer, and other sexually transmitted infections.


Objectives of the International Testing Week

    • Emphasize the importance of testing for individual and public health.
    • Offer confidential and safe peer testing in health centers or field settings.
    • Advocate for better access to prevention, testing, and treatment.
    • Promote innovative prevention methods like self-testing and PrEP.


Knowing one’s status, positive or negative, is crucial for self-care and the care of others. Effective treatment can prevent the transmission of HIV.


The cumulative results of the first four editions highlight the effectiveness of this initiative


Community Testing: A Proven Prevention Strategy

People from populations most exposed to HIV, viral hepatitis, and STIs are best positioned to test their peers. They understand their needs and life realities, providing a safe, non-judgmental context. This community health approach, advocated by the Coalition PLUS network, complements the traditional health system. Unfortunately, this expertise is not yet fully recognized, and this must change.

This program is co-financed by

Supported by a grant from Gilead Science